PhD Opportunity at TU Delft, Netherlands

Ph.D. position on "Evolutionary robotics for inhomogeneous robot swarms "
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, announces a vacancy for one Ph.D. student within the project:
Evolutionary robotics for inhomogeneous robot swarms.
Description of the project:
The main objective of the project is to develop a generic methodology drawing on concepts from Evolutionary Robotics (ER) to design the controllers for inhomogeneous robot swarms. In the past years, considerable progress has been made in multiple robotic groups at TU Delft, ranging from walking robots to flying robots and nano-satellites in space. The main focus until now has been on improving the individual capabilities of these robots, such as achieving fully autonomous flight with the 20-gram DelFly Explorer flapping wing robot and performing earth observation tasks with the nano-satellites. Although these miniaturized robots are inherently limited in terms of resources such as processing and sensing, a swarming approach may allow them to transcend their individual capabilities. Emphasis of the project is on a generic methodology for swarm design and the actual testing of it on real-world robots, even with a chance of having the designed controllers tested in space on TU Delft’s future space missions. The methodology will be developed in the context of different swarm tasks, ranging from exploration to formation control.
The project is a collaboration between the Space Systems Engineering section and Control and Simulation sections of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The supervisors are dr. Guido de Croon (Micro Air Vehicle laboratory), dr. ir. Jian Guo (Space Systems Engineering), and dr. ir. Chris Verhoeven (Space Systems Engineering). The research will contribute to the miniaturization theme of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, and is embedded in the TU Delft Robotics Institute and the TU Delft Space Institute.
What do we ask?
We are looking for a candidate with an MSc degree in an area such as Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Control Systems Theory, Aerospace Engineering, Robotics, or a similar field. Furthermore, programming experience is required, preferably in C or C++.
Previous experience with robotic systems (of whatever type) is an asset. Please note that, with respect to the robotic systems used in the project, the Ph.D. candidate will operate in the context of a strong team with ample experience in operating the various relevant robots. The candidate must have strong analytical skills and must be able to work at the intersection of several research domains (artificial intelligence, robotics, control, space / aerospace). A very good command of the English language is required, as well as excellent communication skills.
What do we offer?
We offer the opportunity to do scientifically challenging research in a multi-disciplinary research group. The appointment will be for a period of 4 years. As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive salary (between approx. EUR 2100 and EUR 2700 gross per month based on a full-time appointment), as well as excellent secondary benefits in accordance with the Collective Agreement (CAO) of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU). Assistance with accommodation can be arranged.
How to apply?
Submit your application to dr. Guido de Croon (email: before April 7th 2016. Include a cover letter along with a detailed curriculum vitae, a separate motivation letter stating why the proposed research topic interests you, electronic copies of a few selected publications (if applicable), the summary of your MSc thesis, your MSc and BSc course programs and the corresponding grades, names and addresses of two to three reference persons, and other information that might be relevant to your application. The project is expected to start in the period of June – September 2016.