Postdoc positions at Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, China

Multiple 2-year fixed term postdoc positions are available in the young group of Dr. Wu Li ( in Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, China. The group focuses on theoretical especially computational research on electrical, thermal and thermoelectric transport, electron-phonon coupling, phonon physics, spectra (Raman, optical absorption...) simulation, etc.
Applicants should have a PhD in physics, material science, energy, or chemistry, with some programming experience.
For application, please send CV and selected publications to
Positions are open until filled.
Net income is no less than 220,000 Yuan/year (33999$/year) and consists of five parts:
- (a)120,000 Yuan/year (tax-free) postdoc allowance from Shenzhen municipal government (passing the middle- and final- term evaluation is the required qualification).
- (b)2,240 Yuan/month (tax-free) housing allowance.
- (c)6,166 Yuan/month (5,152 Yuan/month net) salary.
- (d)833 Yuan/month housing fund including employer’s contribution.
- (e)2,000 Yuan/year late meal allowance.
Cheap off-campus accommodation is provided.
About the institution:
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in the Shenzhen University is a newly established institution, consisting both undergraduate and postgraduate education and emphasizing on interdisciplinary teaching and research. The institute is a special academic zone inside the university, but its operations and managements will follow the established rules and procedures used in most of the institutions in the world, independent of the current system in the university.