Postdoctoral Researcher in Big Data / Data Warehousing at Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Spark) / Machine Learning, especially Deep Learning / Information Retrieval and Text Analysis / Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Your responsibilities:
- Develop novel data science solutions in the above mentioned fields as part of applied research projects with our partners from academia and industry
- Interact with colleagues from the Datalab to both further the state of the art in data science as well as identify novel application areas
- Participate in technology transfer and writing research papers and proposals
‘Young scientist wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, messy data, long hours of experimentation.
Safe result doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.’
Safe result doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.’
The successful candidate has finished a Master’s and ideally Ph.D.’s degree in computer science at a research university or a university of applied sciences within the last two years. He or she must have strong experience in one or more of the above-mentioned fields and a good command as well as a passion for programming. Good communication skills in English and in German are an asset for the work in multidisciplinary teams. The ideal candidate will demonstrate an understanding of the academic, industry, and technology landscape, identify unsolved problems and propose novel ideas for future activities. Particular emphasis is given to developing prototypes, experimenting hands-on with data, and scientific evaluation and documentation of results.
We offer a competitive, technically stimulating, and exciting environment. Comprehensive responsibility is provided with respect to contributing to and driving research agendas in one of the abovementioned fields. The candidate will have the opportunity to establish partnerships with industrial partners, acquire funding for collaborative research, and to devise and transfer research solutions to enterprise contexts. The position will also involve publishing, for example by writing papers, contributing to standards, presenting at scientific conferences, etc. As well as providing an excellent work environment, we provide intellectual liberty and competitive compensation based on Swiss standards at one of the leading houses for data science research in Switzerland.
ZHAW offers its employees a flexible annual working time model and places for children and infants in supervised day care centres.