PhD position in computational solid state theory
PhD has to be filled at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Germany) from 1st of July 2016. The position is limited for three years. The scientific project is connected to the work of the SFB762 "Functionality of oxidic interfaces" and within this special research unit especially with the projects A4 and B1. Check for more details. In the scientific projects the candidate will take part in our investigations of electronic and magnetic properties of complex oxides. Furthermore he will contribute to the development of our methods based on density functional theory.
The candidate has to have a degree in physics with excellent results in theoretical physics. A masters project in solid state theory and experience with ab initio codes would be helpful. A good knowlege of numerical simulation methods and of scientific programming languages is necessary.
Please send your application by Email or Surface mail till April 17th 2016 to
If you have question contact Wolfram Hergert (
The official announcement of the position can be found of the corresponding page of our university under registration number 5-1596/16-D at