Postdoc position at LMU Munich,Germany

Post-doctoral position in Computational Neuroscience

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Computational Neuroscience at the Center for Sensorimotor Research at the Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) Munich (Germany) in association with the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN).

Project: US-German Collaborative Research Proposal "Information Processing in Cerebral Cortex for Visual-Oculuomotor Behavior"

The project will be performed in close collaboration with the Washington National Primate Research Center (University of Washington, Seattle, US). The successful candidate's task is to perform data analysis and computational modeling of neuronal data acquired in Seattle. A strong background in mathematics and neuroscience as well as a strong interest in Computational Neuroscience is required.

The position is limited to three years.
Please submit your application preferably in one single PDF-document, including cover letter, CV, list of publications, research proposal/interests and relevant certificates to

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